Monday, March 31, 2014

How to Create a Mind: reading notes #bkclub

I am reading How to Create a Mind by Ray Kurzweil. As things strike me, I will note them here. Maybe you will get interested in the book. Maybe you can skip reading it based on my brilliant insights ;). newest update are at the top so to follow my progress through the book begin at the bottom.

page 42 My personal learning has always been structured around connections for two reasons. One when something connect to my know learning; my feeling is that it rings true to my understanding and is therefore trustable. Two when new knowledge connects to existing knows it deepens and extends the network of my knowledge. Kurzweil discusses hierarchical structure of patterns in this section of the book. This connects to my connection based learning. For example the letter A is a low level pattern stored once in the mind but it connects to all the next level patterns that are words containing the letter A.

page 38 - Everything happens in the neocortex at once. Human beings have the weak ability to processs logic and deep core capability of recognizing patterns. Smart streets next more of our neocortex then book smart.  Process a pattern means learn it, predict it, recognizing it and implement it.

page 33- each of our routines procedures is remembered as an elaborate hierarchy of nested activities. We use this hierarchical structure with memories and information also. This allow the reuse of patterns; an A is not stored for every word it is in just once and connected to those words.

page 32 Kurzweil also talks about "sometime we adopt idiosyncratic mnemonics" to help with pattern recognition.

These two pieces together make me think about my dyslexia. As it creates spelling and information transfer problems. it seems the connectors in the hierarchical structures become shifty. My spelling is always close enough for spell check. Are the pattern connectors the weakness or my mind's ability to error check those patterns.

page 31- we are constantly predicting the future based on our perspective; this expectation influences what we will actually perceive.  Your perception is your reality.

page 31 - once your mind is fixed on an understanding it tends not to change.

page 30 - we can recognize a pattern even if only part of it is perceived.

Page 29 There are no images, videos or sound recordings stored in the brain. Our memories are stores as sequences of pattern. Memories that are not accessed over time dim,

page 27 - Memories are sequential and in order. They cannot be accesed in another order such as reserve. Try saying the alphabet backwards.=paterns

page 5- PRTM Pattern Recognition Theory of the Mind. The mind stores and organizes information in patterns not images.

page 9 there is more complexity in a single neuron than in the overall structure of the cortex. Think of it like a forest. A forest is just repeating trees. But a tree is a complex structure. Much like a Mandelbrot set see pic ( math is beautiful)

page 8 Bernoulli's principle is the one unifying break through that makes the whole field of aviation possible. All we need is that one theory for the mind and we will exponentially create learning artificial intelligence.

page 7 - we have reserve engineered the auditory cortex - Siri; voice recognition software; google voice search. Let's move on to the true
auditory cortex  is where we process speech
visual cortex is where we process images
cerebellum is where we form physical skills
the neocortex is where we do the true human thinking that separates our minds ability from other species.

page 5 Other intelligent species are likely not to exist - we would have bumped into them.

page 4 LOAR law of accelerating returns -an evolutionary process that accelerate exponentially
in complexity and capability

page 4- the human genome is the object code for life. We have backwards engineered that. The next step is to backwards engineer the mind

page 2-3 Physics gives of atoms that create compounds ( chemistry). Compounds create organisms (Biology). Those complex organism create tools ( technology). Physics ->Chemistry ->Biology -> neurology-> Technology

The map of the human genome is the object code for the DNA.

Each field really just needs one unifying principle to exponentially open the door. The Bernoulli principle (about lift) is this for aviation. Based on this one idea; flight is possible.

Where's the complexity the forest or the trees? really the forest is just a tree being repeated. The really complexity lies in the tree. Likewise the neocortex is not true complex structure. It's just neurons repeated. It's the neuron where we need to focus.

more to  come....

book board from #acmi2 w/links

Great learning at the admincampmi2 #acmi2 this last weekend.
Here's our recommended reading list from the book boards.

Leading Educational Change by Helen Jane Malone recommended by @teacherpolicy
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle recommended by @i2_sing_america
Leaders Eat Last by Simmon Sinek Recommend by @pauldsupt
David and Goliath by Malcolm Caldwell recommended by @DrDaveFPS
How to Create a Mind by Ray Kurweil recommended by @julieallthat Me!
Maker Movement Manifesto by Mark Hatch recommended by @jmoz
A More Beautiful Question but Warren Berger recommend by @k10duncan
Art of Possibilities by Zander recommended by @galileo0624
Sometimes you win; Sometimes you learn by John Maxwell recommended by @beckyAbrady
Art & Imagination by Maxine Greene recommended by @rachelguinn3

Let me know if there's more I need to add. At the time I took the picture, this was all that was up.
Thanks  @teacherpolicy @i2_sing_america @pauldsupt @DrDaveFPS @jmoz @k10duncan @galileo0624 @beckyAbrady @rachelguinn3