Monday, March 31, 2014

book board from #acmi2 w/links

Great learning at the admincampmi2 #acmi2 this last weekend.
Here's our recommended reading list from the book boards.

Leading Educational Change by Helen Jane Malone recommended by @teacherpolicy
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle recommended by @i2_sing_america
Leaders Eat Last by Simmon Sinek Recommend by @pauldsupt
David and Goliath by Malcolm Caldwell recommended by @DrDaveFPS
How to Create a Mind by Ray Kurweil recommended by @julieallthat Me!
Maker Movement Manifesto by Mark Hatch recommended by @jmoz
A More Beautiful Question but Warren Berger recommend by @k10duncan
Art of Possibilities by Zander recommended by @galileo0624
Sometimes you win; Sometimes you learn by John Maxwell recommended by @beckyAbrady
Art & Imagination by Maxine Greene recommended by @rachelguinn3

Let me know if there's more I need to add. At the time I took the picture, this was all that was up.
Thanks  @teacherpolicy @i2_sing_america @pauldsupt @DrDaveFPS @jmoz @k10duncan @galileo0624 @beckyAbrady @rachelguinn3

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