Saturday, May 10, 2014

Attending from a far or the value of twitter stalking #edtech #miched

This morning while I was stuck in Michigan there were edcamps in Chicago and Google Apps for Ed (#gafe) summit.  I have a limited travel budget so what's a girl to do?

The Google docs session tweeted the link to their google doc so I hang out there for awhile. Amazing  to be collaborating with teachers that were a whole state away.

I loaded up my tweet deck with #gafesummit and #edcampchicago and # edcampnnyc and watched the tweet fly like code strings falling the matrix.

We have few nice days in Michigan that the sunshine called me outside. But I don't what to miss those links, resources and connections!!! Again "What's a girl to do? "

Hello Storify !

You've been quoted in my #Storify story "Best of #edcampchicago"
You've been quoted in my #Storify story "#gafesummit #gafe best of summary "

Storify is a great tool for curating  from many sources. In my case I am searching a hashtag to pull the tweets that I will find useful. No selflies ( please don't be offended.). I focused on links and resources and mentions of things I want to learn about.  

You can search, sort, and add text. There's a notify button to give a shout out to those that contributed. You can also share on social media. Storify is a create curating.

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