As teachers this is our New Year's Day. The school year starts tomorrow. This is the first year in ten years, I will start without students. I am starting the year as an administrator but my position is blended so I maybe the mentor teacher for students as the year progresses. It's important to be intentional about our new starts so here are my resolutions.
1. Blog! Check that one off as started. The purpose of my blogging is to reflect on my leadership and growth. And micro blogging counts!!
2. Focus on language of leading a group through change. Our language frames our disposition towards the topic of conversation. Using language of growth mindset and culture of thinking can frame challenges as positive growth opportunities.
3. Take care of myself. Work cannot be the excuse not to exercise. Stress cannot be the excuse to eat poorly. You are entitled to take time out of work for your passions and your healthy habits.
Overall my resolution is self improvement, it my leadership, language, and personal health.
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