Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Teacher Evalution

Today is the day in the Aspiring Principal's Leadership Academy that we are focusing on teacher evaluation . Here are some take aways.

My personal definition of quality instruction:
Quailtity instruction engages diverse learners in problem soling thinking to create succesful life long learners.
My groups refined definition
Quailty instruction 
* Student Engagement
* Teacher Knowledge 
* Ability to Differential
* Edivence of Learning and Critical Thinking
* Reflective parctice by teacher 

My refined defintion:
Quailtity instruction engages diverse learners in critical  thinking to create succesful life long learners given by a reflective teacher. 

It's interestine to see the evolution. 

We watched a clip of a teacher then were asked to grade that teacher. My insight from this is evaulation happens in context and continum. What you evalution needs to be set by expectation. Leaders need to develop a context for that evalution. What are we working on as abuiding/team/culture? Evalutions are a continum. They should be done many times during the year. with different focuses to create an overall picture of that teacher's parctice. 

 a walk through  is not the place  to make inference and judgement. There's time to collective edivence and descriptions. Not inferences. 

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