Friday, October 3, 2014

Advice from Lestat to help teachers with their changing professional #30dayreflection #day2

"I simply refuse to be defeated. No matter what happens to me, I fight back and I fight for myself and fight to turn the experience into something meaningful. This is not a virtue. This is an inherent disposition." Lestat 

From Anne Rice's Facebook fan Page Lestat here: Jasmine Donovan has asked: "Lestat, what do you believe has helped you to adapt to the changes in the world over the years and has helped you to survive through all the trials and tribulations you have faced? --- Jasmine, it is my optimism and rebellious spirit. I simply refuse to be defeated. No matter what happens to me, I fight back and I fight for myself and fight to turn the experience into something meaningful. This is not a virtue. This is an inherent disposition. posted 10/3

What is your inherent disposition towards ......
.....your students?
.....your families?
..... your team members?

So much to think about from a vampire. Lestat has been through the human experience since 1760. As teachers, we think we have been through some pretty huge changes in our career.  But a good teacher has that same inherent disposition of being a fighter. A fighter for our students. A fighter for givng them the best learning so their futures, however much the world changes around them, will be bright successful and happy. 

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