Tuesday, October 14, 2014

student discipline framed as a growth opportunity via Dr. Proctor #30daysreflection

Have you ever listened to one of those leaders that such is so great it's just a wow moment?

I had one Monday night. Dr Fred Proctor, retired principal of Groves HS speak to us about leadership. He wrapped up student discipline in the most positive way. Here's my utterly lacking para phrase:

"Students make choices. Choice have outcomes. Not all of those choices are wise and not all of the outcomes are good. It's a given that young people will make bad choices. Their brain are not done growing and predicting consequences is one of the last skills we develop.
As a principal, we are responding to the choices they made. Each choice has outcomes.
As principals we are face with explaining the outcomes of their choices. We help our students move through the consequences of their choices. But very importantly, we give them the tools not to make those choices again. We let them know there is redemption, second changes, and growth. We are not punishing children but raising adults. We need to help time move forward."

All his words ( paraphrased) not mine. Reflecting on this I found it powerful. He did not frame it in a negative light. In fact he focused on the positive outcome of growth and moving forward yet their was a strong accountability. And no judgement.

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