Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ninja Skills of Online Teaching:The Written Word #mlearning #k12online

The Myth: You can say everything you need to say in one email.

What the Ninja online teacher knows:
  • Student will only answer the last question you ask. 
  • If they have to scroll, their eyes roll. 
  • You cannot have difficult conversation in writing. 
  • Tone is important. When writing you have to consider every tone the reader hear in that message. 
  • The reader of your message hears it from their context - not yours. How will they understand your message. 
Ninja Strategies:
  • Use the "Above the Fold" Rule if it could not be put on the front page of the student paper above the fold - don't put it in writing. 
  • If it takes a page or 20 minutes to write an email- it should be a phone call. 
  • Only ask one question per email. Only one topic per email. 
  • Know when to call. For difficult conversations phone are better where you can heard the tone and the conversation can adapt better. 

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