Saturday, January 9, 2016

What's your moon shoot? #moonshot #google #edleadership

"Moonshots live in the gray area between audacious projects and pure science fiction; instead of mere 10 percent gains, they aim for 10x improvements," according to Google. source,2817,2453259,00.asp

What's your moon shot? 
What are you doing to continuously improve your practice and stretch yourself?

I look for this in the teachers and staff I hire at our program. I also look for it in the mentors I  look up to. Personally I believe being highly effective is just being good at the status quo. Not something I aspire to. Beyond high effective is innovation and a growth mind set. That's where it really gets interesting! 

So with a little extra time on my hands this week here's some of my moon shots. Please join me in any ( or all) of them. 

Make sure you reach out to me on twitter at @julieAllThat and tell me what your moon shot was. 

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