Friday, December 26, 2014

#admincamp 3 reflections

What a great day of expanding my thinking. There were so many great thoughts that I wanted to capture to review later. I have so many things to reflection on:

From Paul Angelise
"Who is your every body?" 
A prepared mind understand your passion. 
Being a manger used to be educational leadership but now we are moving to instructional leaders but even that alone does not define what a good educational leader is. There's an important piece about service that must be included. 

"The best prize like has to offer is the chance to do the work worth doing" 

From Adam Hartely 
The oppisite of a hero is a bystander. 
The world is a dangerous place to live not because of those people who do evil but because of the people that do nothing about it. 
"like dang" is the call of a bystander
Adam walked us through a Heroic Journey 
"we are so focused on climbing that mountain we don't take the adventure to go around it." 

interesting people to connect with on twitter 
Lars Leafblad, Daily inspiration, Clocky @poweron

A hero is compassion, empathic, mindful and attenitve
Steps in the herois journey 
call to action 
main challenge/ trail 
mastery of both worlds. Trail blazer that impacts the staus quo 
Bystander leaders build through success which means they are destoryed through losses. Heroic leaders build throught the pain and exerience to fuel their passion to face the next challenge.  

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