Friday, December 26, 2014

Bird walk of the day improves by blogg #edtech

So it's the day after Christmas and that's a take it easy day. So I was wandering/wondering around on the internet. My blog has long bothered me for a few reasons. First it's not organized. I blog for different purposes and they are all mashed up together. The side bars are boring.  The function is not what I would like it to be.
So today's bird walk led me to places that taught me how to add tabs, labels, and view by label to my blog.  Look at the great resources on my NEW Blogger Resource tab if you would like to add these to your blog.
Still on my to do list is:
social widget found here:
I'd like dynamic views to work.
and updating me website.

I hope I have started you off on your own bird walk.

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