Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Google Certified Trainer- what may be holding up your app? #gafe

Have you applied in the last round of applications? I did!  The deadline was in November with notifications going out the week of December 2nd.  Well that's come and gone and no words. Soooo I did some digging.

First you fill out an application here: https://googleedu.onlineapplications.net/app/main/ You will need a training resume, training style demonstration in the form of screen cast or video, and training case study.

The part I did not know is that you need three online references. Once you give their name and email, they get a message from grants@resources.com. Your application is submitted but not completed until one of them fills out the form. From what I can guess, it's only one. I gave work emails and the filter kills the reference request. After the deadline, I went and switch it to personal emails. Luckily one of my references is a great person and stopped everything to fill it out right then.

My application then became "completed". Since then I got another message from google-educaiton-trainer-program@google.com that says:

Thank you for submitting an application to the Google Education Trainer program. Due to the high volume of applications received this round, we are experiencing a significant delay in reviewing the applications. We expect to email you a decision by December 15, 2014. We appreciate the time and effort you put into completing your applications and are ensuring that they are thoroughly reviewed. Thank you again for your patience and understanding.

-The Google Education Trainer Program Team

So there's still hope for me ( and you too!) i know a lot of us were talking about this on Twitter so I thought I would give an update here. 

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